SITUATION: Located 50km from Tamworth and 37km from Manilla on all-weather road. Mail 3 times per week, 240v power & satellite internet. School bus to Manilla.

AREA: 838.5ha (2017ac approx.)

COUNTRY: Glenwyck runs from undulating cultivation country to some steep country at the back of the property. Approx. 35ha is arable. With approx. 10ha able to be irrigated from a large dam. Good stands of Box, Apple and some Kurrajong trees. Odd crops of Pine at the back of property. Some oats sown at front of property with the grazing country all natural pastures.

CARRYING CAPACITY: Currently running 60 cows & calves and 300 sheep. The sheep numbers could be increased.

WATERED: Water is a feature of the property with some 42 dams, plus spring fed gullies. Mill and diesel pump pumps to tank on hill and reticulates to troughs and houses. Large dam in middle of property equipped with diesel engine and pump used for irrigation, and has been used to make hay.

RAINFALL: 770ml average past 10 years of records.

FENCING: One of the best fenced properties you will come across, with the boundary fence consisting of mainly netting & plain. Subdivided into 25 main paddocks with conventional & electric fences.

IMPROVEMENTS: Features a 4 bedroom homestead and 3 bedroom cottage, 2 stand woolshed and sheep yards, lockup work shop, 3 machinery sheds, large hay shed, 2 x silos approx. 30 ton, 1 x 10 ton and 1 x 6 ton silos. Steel & timber cattle yards, plus 3 other sets of sheep yards on property.

3 1 838.50 ha
Suburb Manilla
Price SOLD
Property Type Rural
Property ID 2
Land Area 838.50 ha

Agent Details

Phillip Hetherington photo

Phillip Hetherington

0428 680 028
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